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Planning Board Mintues 06/07/2018
     Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday June 7, 2018

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, Michael Williams, Jeff Jordan, Richard Moore,Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Craig McIntosh, Richard Bouchard, Dr. Kevin Mara DVM,  Kristy Barnouski Secretary.

Others present: Dan Humphreys, Chris Rice, Ewen and Ottilie MacKinnon, Ian Mackinnon, Jodi Pinard, Matt Cole and other members of the public.

Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Public Hearing-Site Plan Review
Map 3 Lot 12
Mr. Rice of TF Moran Engineering came before the Board with Mr. Humphreys to add a gravel lot to the property for tractor storage.  The addition of the gravel lot did incite an application of alteration of terrain which was approved by DES along with the storm water design.  The Board discussed and reviewed the plan finding no issues.
Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded to accept the plan as complete. Motion passes

Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded to approve the site plan for Concord Tractor.  Motion passes.  

Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Brehm seconded to that there was no regional impact. Motion passes.

Public Hearing- Subdivision
37 Bailey Rd- Map 2 Lot 66
Mr. Houle recused himself as he is a neighbor and Dr. Mara is a voting member for this public hearing.  
Mr. and Mrs. MacKinnon came before the board with a subdivision plan for their property with a single lot line back to front.  Due to the property falling within both the Rural Agricultural zone and Residential there was some discussion on soil types. Some of the Board members felt as though there should be more test pits done by a soil scientist.

Mr. Williams made a motion and Dr. Mara seconded to accept the plan as complete.  Motion passes.  

Mr. Williams made a motion and Dr. Mara seconded to approve the subdivision with both lots being residential.  Vote, 4 yes. 3 No.  Motion passes.

Mr. Williams made a motion and Dr. Mara seconded that this subdivision created no regional impact.  Motion passes.

Public Hearing-Home Occupation-
Mrs. Bennette came before the Board applying for a home occupation permit for a one booth salon in her finished basement.  The Board reviewed the application and went through the requirements of the checklist which were all met.  

Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Jordan seconded to approve the Application for Backroad Beauty Shop located at 89 Ferrin Road, Map 7 Lot 35-5. Motion passes.

The owner of Chuckster’s was directed by the Building Inspector Matt Cole to come before the Board to have a discussion about a possible change of use.  The owner explained that he wanted to have work outings on site and have a vendor come to sell beer and wine requiring a liquor license.  The board came to the consensus that it is not an expansion of use.  
Mr. Williams made a motion and Ms. Davis seconded that there is no change of use or regional impact.  Motion passes.
The owner did also want to ask about the signs that were placed on the road for no parking stating that only two remained on either side of the driveway.  He stated that he would prefer they either be taken down completely or put the others back up.  Mrs. Pinard stated that the road agent would be notified to remove the signs.  

Acorn Creek Properties-Discussion
The owners of Acorn Creek Properties came before the Board to discuss a subdivision of their 53 acre lot.  They had questions if the entire property needed to be resurveyed or if they could use the original. The consensus of the Board was that they could use the original survey.  

The next work meeting will be held on Wednesday June 20 and the next regular meeting will be held on July 5, 2018.

The Board discussed whether or not the Town should ask Mr. Halle of Chichester Commons for an escrow for his upcoming proposal for workforce housing or wait until the actual application is submitted.  The consensus of the Board was to wait until the actual plan was submitted.  

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Williams made a motion and seconded by Ms. Davis to adjourn the meeting at 9:30pm

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Barnouski, Secretary
Not approved until signed.

Chairman, Stan Brehm